I hope you're having a spectacular weekend so far and be safe if you plan on celebrating tonight with a few beverages!
As a kid I remember getting excited around St. Patty's time because that meant that the Irish Potatoes would be in the stores. You could only get them this time of year and they were so YUMMY! I never realized until a couple years ago that these candies are actually just a local thing until my hub said he'd never heard of them. This is what they look like in the stores...
So I only recently found out these are from the Philadelphia area. I just always thought everyone ate these at this time of year. There are different recipes for making these but I remember they were very sweet and made with coconut and coated with cinnamon. Delish!
Have you ever heard of these or made them yourself? Will you be celebrating tonight?
Good morning! I was wondering if anyone else picks an accessory first then builds an outfit around it? Traditionally, we're taught to dress first then add accessories as necessary. I bought this necklace recently and was dying to wear it so I just kind of went with a neckline that would show it off and worked around it.
Although the necklace is all metal, it's super light and I like how it's adjustable so I could wear it longer with a higher neckline or as a choker.
You could wear this necklace with anything since it's a mix of silver, gold and bronze tones so I just added a few bangles but the necklace is really the star!
Do you ever work backward and start with the accessories first???
Good morning all! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the work week ahead full steam! We had a little taste of Spring a few days ago here in New Jersey and I've even spotted some crocus and daffodils in bloom here and there.
With Spring just around the corner I felt like throwing something bright and casual on to run errands since I had the day off. I love the combo of yellow and green - makes me think SPRING!
I'm also loving this coral color that's popping up this season - this necklace is SO pretty!
And this bracelet is a beauty too - it has a retro vibe which I love.
I found both these items at Charming Charlies - the accessory super store! They have all the fabulous new Spring colors out so if you have one in your area, go check them out!
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Still shoveling snow or can you see the light at the end of the tunnel??
Good afternoon! As you may have seen me mention (over and over and over), I'm gearing up for vacation! The hub and I are headed off on our annual trip to Jamaica where we meet up with various other couples we've met over the course of the last few years. It's fun seeing familiar faces and getting caught up.
So, I'm at work today and tomorrow and then it's time to get into full vaca mode but, for now, it can't hurt to daydream...
Straw hat - Target
A stack of silver bangles
Kate Spade beach tote
Pretty tank top - Avenue
I love a nude sandal - Avenue
These are a few items I'm thinking will need to make their way into my suitcase in some shape or form. One of the great things about going on vacation in March is I get to take a break from my sweaters and jeans and wear Summer clothes for a week.
Are you making a list of your Spring/Summer must haves yet? What's on your list????
Happy, glorious Monday to you all! Can you tell this is my last week before I'm off on vaca? YAY! Sorry, back to the important stuff! This week two birds offered up a choice for our IM pic. A pic of the Saturdays (nope, no clue who they are)
I really loved the jacket the blonde has on but the closest thing in my closet was the black/white outfit. I didn't really have an animal print tshirt so I used my scarf as the animal print and instead of bright red lips, I wore my newly thrifted red vest.
Here's my Saturdays outfit that I wore on Friday night...
As I mentioned, this vest is one of my newest thrift finds - It's warm and woolly and I've already gotten my $3.99 out of it! This is what I wore out to dinner on Friday night to celebrate my hub's birthday. We went with Dawn of Suitcase Vignettes and her hubby Rob. My hub was surprised (I didn't tell him they were joining us) and he was really happy to have them celebrate with us.
Want to play along with Inspiration Monday but not sure what to do - check it out here!
Hellloooooo everyone! I'm loving today because it's the Eye Candy of the Week link up! I've only had one or two participants link along with me the last couple weeks but I'm still having fun so if you want to play along - feel free! Not sure what it is? Click here to check it out.
I know when my closet starts to get too full, I start filling up some bags and I take them over to the Goodwill for donation. So I was over there browsing the racks last week when I thought I saw a purse that I have - or had! I wasn't sure! I liked it but then I started to think, What if I donated that? I can't buy back my own stuff, can I? So I didn't but I thought it was pretty funny and not the first time that happened! Did that ever happen to you?
Anyway, so this is what caught my eye while I was thrifting my heart out!
I'm in vacation mode so I was thinking "Summer". This cute red blouse with the white embroidered stars caught my eye and it just screamed FOURTH OF JULY!! Well, not really screamed...more of a "Psst, lady..." I'm thinking this over a white cami with some navy blue capri leggings? $3.99
Then I saw this white eyelet blouse that I had to have. I might bring this on vacation with me to just toss over my bathing suit with a pair of shorts or to wear over a tank... Trust that I will get plenty of use out of this one! $3.99
This cropped denim vest jumped into my cart as I was strolling along not really paying any attention to the denim jackets (mind you I was in "Summer" mode). It's actually fairly lightweight so I'm thinking I can pull it off this Spring, Summer and even Fall. Hmm, toss it over a white tshirt with some black denim capris maybe? $3.99
So I didn't even realize until I got my goods home that I had a little red, white and blue thing going here!
I love my thrifted finds and can't wait to start styling them!
Good (insert whichever part of the day it is) everyone! As I'vewhined about mentioned in my previous posts, I've been under the weather for the last few days. As I lay on the couch wheezing with each breath, at 5:00 p.m., teeth unbrushed, hair uncombed, I decided not to participate in this week's Inspiration Monday. Then I looked at the pic again. Well, my hair pretty much looked like Drew's, just have to tuck it up and I can wear sunglasses so ... I went for it!
I literally threw my hair up in the back (uncombed), put on some lipstick (unwashed face and unbrushed teeth) and thew on some cool duds. Being able to wear the glasses was a HUGE help... cough, cough, sniffle.... The show must go on!
I'm a couple years (teehee) older than Drew so I made my look a tad more age appropriate. Close up of the necklace please...
Besides, by participating in this week's challenge, I was able to show off my newly thrifted shoes. I did feel better once I slipped in to these lovely peep-toe, patent leather, sling backs! As soon as I saw them, I knew they had to be mine. I wasn't familiar with the brand Tahari so I Googled it when I got home and apparently they can be found in department stores from Macy's to Saks. Not bad for $4.00!
You're not hip to the Inspiration Monday challenge yet? Click here to play!